FCMS Foundation & CAMS

Livia Wan, MD Award of the FCMS Foundation & the CAMS HH Wang-Ngai Junior Faculty Award, submission deadline September 30, 2024.



North American Chinatown Smoke Free Day


It starts with you

Monday, September 26, 2016




White House Event on March 23, 2023 with President Biden



Dr. Chi-Ming Chow’s interview by Omni TV

2016-smoke-free-toronto-1 2016-smoke-free-toronto-2

Los Angeles (CAMASC)

2016-smoke-free-camasc-1 2016-smoke-free-camasc-2


New York

Video on quit smoking

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2016-smoke-free-new-york-5 2016-smoke-free-new-york-6

More than half of Asian Americans with diabetes are undiagnosed
New statistics also show rising prevalence of diabetes among all groups
National Institutes of Health
Released: Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Interview by ATV New York Express
FCMS Board of Directors Meeting in April 2014 at Toronto, Ontario

San Francisco Hep B Free Mourns Loss of Hep B Virus and Vaccine Founder – Dr. Baruch Blumberg
April 8, 2011 – San Francisco

FCMS endorses the CAMS Hepatitis B Position Statement

Dr. Lisa Eng, President of the ACAP, has recently be awarded by the Asian Community United Society for her dedications and efforts to make impact to the Asian community and to make differences to the lives of many. Congratulations to Dr. Lisa Eng!